Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Bebrapa waktu lalu kami sudah menyajikan bagaimana cara mudah mencari backlink dengan google Dork, antara lain :
Backlink Gratis | Guestbook Google Dork Backlink
Backlink BlogEngine Gratis | Google Dork Backlink
Backlink Edu Gratis Google Dork Backlink
Backlink Drupal Gratis Google Dork Backlink
Backlink Gratis dari Community Server | Seo Footprints
Backlink Gratis dari Article Directory | Seo Footprints

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Berikut ini Kumpulan Google Dork untuk mencari backlin
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Wikis EDU Footprints

Code: inurl:wiki inurl:MediaWiki_talk "Log in / create account" wiki

EDU Blogs, GOV Blogs

Locate thousands of related blogs using these search strings. inurl:wp-login.php +blog inurl:wp-login.php +blog inurl:”wp-admin” +login inurl:blog “post a comment” inurl:blog “post a comment” –“comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “keyword” “no comments” +blogroll -”posting closed” -”you must be logged in” -”comments are closed” “no comments” +blogroll -”posting closed” -”you must be logged in” -”comments are closed”
inurl:(edu|gov) “no comments” +blogroll -”posting closed” -”you must be logged in” -”comments are closed” inurl:blog “comment” -”you must be logged in” -”posting closed” -”comment closed”
"keyword" blog
keyword +inurl:blog

EDU Forums, Government Forums, Military sites

site:edu inurl:login (Create an account)
site:edu “powered by vbulletin” (Powered by Invision Power Board)
site:edu “powered by SMF”
edu forums sites,gov forums sites
site:edu inurl:login (Create an account)
site:edu "powered by vbulletin" (Powered by Invision Power Board)
site:edu "powered by SMF"
"keyword" forum
"keyword" forum
"keyword" blog +inurl:forum + inurl:register +inurl:forum inurl:register
inurl:edu forum
inurl:gov forum


"Powered by PHPDug"
"Powered By PHPDug"
"Powered By PHPDug" inurl:signup
"Powered By PHPDug" inurl:login
"Powered By PHPDug" inurl:add_story
inurl:signup "Powered By PHPDug"
inurl:signup "Powered By PHPDug"
"PHPDug version 2.0.0"
"PHPDug version 1.4.2"
"PHPDug version 1.4.1"
"PHPDug version 1.4.0"
"PHPDug version 1.3.1"
"PHPDug version 1.3"
"PHPDug version 1.2"
"PHPDug version 1.1"
"PHPDug version 1.0"
"PHPDug Version 0.9.2"
"PHPDug Version 0.9.1"
"PHPDug Version 0.9.0"
"PHPDug Version 0.8.1"
"PHPDug Version 0.8.0"
"PHPDug Version 0.7.0"


"Powered by Pligg"
"powered by pligg" Home Login "Register"
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Elgg Footprints

"Powered by Elgg" inurl:/account/forgotten_password.php
"Latest bookmarks" "Powered by Elgg"
intitle:New Elgg site
"Example of information in the left hand pane" "Powered by Elgg"
"Powered by Elgg + "Latest blog posts"
"Powered by Elgg" inurl:account/register.php
inurl:register.php +"powered by elgg"
inurl:forgotten_password.php "We will send the address of a unique verification page to you via email click"
"powered by elgg"

Scuttle Footprints

"Store all your favourite links in one place, accessible from anywhere"
Bookmarking the web 2.0
intext:"bookmarks" "Store, share and tag your favourite links"
intext:"date" "Store, share and tag your favourite links"
intext:"first" "Store, share and tag your favourite links"
intext:"next" "Store, share and tag your favourite links"
intext:"Previous" "Store, share and tag your favourite links"
intext:"register" "Store, share and tag your favourite links"
intext:"Sort by:" "Store, share and tag your favourite links"
intext:about "Store, share and tag your favourite links" about
inurl:?sort=url_asc AND "keyword"
inurl:bookmarks.php scuttle
inurl:by scuttlePLUS
inurl:Populartags.php/ AND "keyword"
Propulsed by SemanticScuttle
Store, share and tag your favourite links
"Speicher alle Deine Webseiten-Favoriten an einem Ort"

Referrer Footprints
"usage statistics" "Summary Period: february 2009"
"usage statistics" "Summary Period: march 2009"
"Generated by Webalizer" intitle:statistics
"Created by awstats"
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"inurl:twatch/latest" html

Jisko Footprints

"Powered by Jisko"
"Have a look at the Frequently Asked Questions" "Powered by Jisko"
Have a look at the Frequently Asked Questions Powered by Jisko
"¿Problemas al iniciar sesión?" "Powered by Jisko" "Notas públicas" "Interfaz móvil"
Problemas al iniciar sesión "Powered by Jisko" "Notas públicas" "Interfaz móvil" “Powered by Jisko” "frequently"
inurl:/?module=faq "Jisko"
inanchor:jisko Frequently Asked Questions

Captcha Footprints
Please enter this code to enable your comment
Type the characters you see in the picture above
Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically
Allowed HTML tags
Lines and paragraphs break automatically
Word verification by reCAPTCHA
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play audio CAPTCHA
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This site uses KeywordLuv

"Powered by PhpFox"
“phpfox” “yourkeyword” "Forum"
"Powered By phpFox Version 2.0.4"
"Powered By phpFox.v2.0.6"
"Powered By phpFox Version 3"
"Powered By phpFox Version 3.2.0"

Video Sharing Sites

"Powered by MediaShare"
"Powered by clipbucket"
"Powered by"
"Powered by PHPMotion"
"Powered by ClipShare"
"Powered by iVidPlay"
"Powered by"
"Powered by VShare"
"Powered by Video CMS"
"Powered by PHP Melody"
"Powered by ClipBucket"
"Powered by SkaDate" - online dating and social networking software combined
"Powered by Sharemixer" - low cost video sharing solution a la Youtube
"Powered by Clipshare"
"Powered by"

Do-Follow Blogs
Keywords “Powered by BlogEngine.NET”
Keywords “top commenter”
Keywords “Notify me of follow-up comments”
Keywords “This site uses KeywordLuv”
Keywords “Enable CommentLuv”
Keywords “You can use these tags”
“@Keyword(s) yourniche”
“This site uses KeywordLuv yourniche”
Top commenter Keyword(s)
Top commenters Keyword(s)
Top commentators Keyword(s)
Top commentors Keyword(s)
Keyword(s) "Recent Comments"

General Niche Directory
“keyword” with your Niche keyword
intitle:add+url “keyword”
intitle:submit+your+site “keyword”
intitle:add+your+site "keyword"
"Suggest link" +"your keyword(s)"
"Suggest a link" +"your keyword(s)"
"Suggest site" + "your keyword(s)"
"Suggest a site" + "your keyword(s)"
"Suggest URL" +"your keyword(s)"
"Suggest a URL" +"your keyword(s)"
"Suggest an URL" +"your keyword(s)"
"Add link" +"your keyword(s)"
"Add a link" +"your keyword(s)"
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"Add a site" +"your keyword(s)"
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"Add a URL" +"your keyword(s)"
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"Submit a link" +"your keyword(s)"
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"Submit a site" +"your keyword(s)"
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"your location" +links
"your location" +"reciprocal links"
"your location" +directory

Blog Footprints


RSS Feed

inurl:rss inurl:/submit.php

General Forum

Keyword(s) forum
“Keyword(s) forum”
“add comment”
“post comment”
Keyword(s) members
Keyword(s) join
Keyword(s) tag
Keyword(s) group
"your niche" forum
"your niche" message board
"your niche" bulletin board

phpBB 2
inurl:"phpBB2/" site:com

phpBB 3

inurl:"phpBB3/" site:com

Guest Post Footprints
“Submit a guest post” / “Submit post” / “Submit blog post”
“Add blog post”
“Submit an article”
“Suggest a guest post”
“Send a guest post”
"Send your post"
"Bloggers Wanted”
"Guest Post”
"Guest Blogging Spot”
"Submit a Guest Post”
"Become a Guest Blogger”
"Guest Post Guidelines”
"Want to Write for”
"Blogs that Accept Guest Blogging”
"Blogs Accepting Guest Posts”
"Submit News”
"Submit Tutorial”
"Suggest a Post”
"Become an Author”
"Become a Contributor”
"Places I Guest Posted”
"Publish Your News”
"Guest post by”
"Guest Contributor”
"This is a guest article”
"Add Articles”
“Add Guest Post”
“Guest Bloggers Wanted”
“Guest Posts Roundup”
“Write for Us”
“Submit Guest Post”
“Submit a Guest Article”
“Guest Bloggers Wanted”
“Group Writing Project”
“Blogs that Accept Guest Posts”
“Blogs that Accept Guest Bloggers”
“Become a Contributor”
“Submit Design News”
“Community News”
“Submit Blog Post”
“Suggest a Guest Post”
“Contribute to our Site”
“Become a Guest Writer”
“My Guest Posts”
“Submission Guidelines”
“This guest post was written”
“This guest post is from”
“Now Accepting Guest Posts”
“The following guest post”

General Directory
"favorite links" Keyword(s)
"favorite links"
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"favorite sites"
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"Keyword(s) website"
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"list * Keyword(s)"
"list of Keyword(s) sites"
"list of Keyword(s)"
"recommended links" Keyword(s)
"recommended links"
"recommended sites" Keyword(s)
"recommended sites"
directory * Keyword(s)
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Keyword(s) * directory
Keyword(s) catalog
Keyword(s) directory
Keyword(s) sites
Keyword(s) websites |Keyword(s)
Keyword(s) websites

General Footprints
“add url”
“add site”
“add website”
“add your site”
“add a url”
“add * url”
“add * site”
“add * website*
“submit url”
“submit site”
“submit website”
“submit your site”
“submit a url”
“submit * url”
“submit * site”
“submit * website”
“suggest url”
“suggest site”
“suggest website”
“suggest your site”
“suggest a url”
“suggest * url”
“suggest * site”
“suggest * website”

Auto Approve
"*Keyword says:" +"October 12th, 2012"
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified)
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 10/12/2012
"October 12th, 2012" + "leave a reply" + "*%kw% says" + "Mail (will not be published) (required)" + "Website" "* %kw% says" "leave a reply" "%kw% * says" "leave a reply"
"powered by wordpress"
SEO-Board Footprints

Phorum Footprints
"powered by Phorum"
"powered by phorum" inurl:register
inurl:phorum inurl:register
MesDiscussions Footprints

MiniBB Footprints
“powered by minibb”
MyBB Footprints
IceBB Footprints

Fruit Show Footprints

Invision Power Board Footprints
“Powered by Invision Power Board”
“Powered by Invision Power Board(U) v1.3 Final”
intext:“Powered by Invision Power Board” inurl:action=register
intext:“Powered by Invision Power Board” inurl:register
intext:“Powered by Invision Power Board” inurl:/users/register
"Powered By IP.Board 2.3.3"
“Powered By IP.Board 2.3.5”
“Powered By IP.Board 2.3.6”

Bulletin Forum Footprints

"In order to proceed, you must agree with the following rules"
"Powered by vBulletin"
“Powered by vBulletin * 3.0.0”
“Powered by vBulletin * 3.0.1”
“Powered by vBulletin * 3.0.4”
“Powered by vBulletin * 3.0.5”
“Powered by vBulletin * 3.0.6”
“Powered by vBulletin * 3.0.7”
"Powered by vBulletin" inurl:register.php

Simple Machines Forum (SMF) Footprints

"powered by SMF"
"powered by Simple Machines"
"powered by Simple Machines" inurl:/index.php?action=register

Web 2.0 Footprint

"powered by wordpress"
"powered by blogger"
"powered by tumblr"
"Create a free website with weebly"
"Powered By Elgg"
intitle:"powered by jcow"
We won't display your email address

Forums Signatures Footprints

Code: "Find all posts by""Find all threads started by""Total Posts: 0" "signature" "Find all posts by""Find all threads started by""Total Posts: 0" "signature"
"powered by phpbb" "Total Posts: 0" "signature"
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CommentLuv Blog Footprints

Keyword(s) “Enable CommentLuv”

Top Comments Blog Footprints

Keyword(s) “Top Commenter”
Keyword(s) “Top Commenters”
+"top+commenters"+"powered+by+wordpress" Keyword
“Top Commenters” or “Top Commenter”
“Top Commenters” or “Top Commenter” +inurl:201.
“Top Commenters” or “Top Commenter” +inurl:2012

Squidoo comments Footprints

Code: "add to this list" "Squidoo : Tags" KEYWORD

HubPages comments Footprints

Code: KEYWORD "Hot Hubs"

XOOPS Footprints

“powered by xoops”
"Receive occasional email notices from administrators and moderators?"

BoonEx Footprints

"Powered by Dolphin - Free Community Software"

CBOX Footprints

"help · smilies · cbox"
allintext:[get a cbox] Footprints

"Get your own free guestbook from"

Revou Footprints

"Powered By ReVou Software"
"groups" "Most popular" "All Groups" "Forgot your password?" "Powered By" "ReVou Software"
"groups" "Most popular" "All Groups" "Forgot your password?" "Powered By"
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intitle:"what are you doing" "revou"

StatusNet Footprints

"Powered by StatusNet"
"1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces. Required."
"is a microblogging service brought to you by It runs the StatusNet microblogging software, version"

INDEXU Footprints

"INDEXU 5.4.0"

Webmini Footprints


Hurricane Footprints

Powered by Katalog Stron Hurricane V

FreeGlobes Footprints


SEOKatalog Footprints

"Powered by SEOKatalog"

Ning Footprints

"social network platform"
“Powered by Ning”
“We use Ning ID for authentication.”
“What is a Ning ID?”
inurl: /main/authorization/signIn
inurl: /main/authorization/signUp

Insoshi Footprints

"powered by insoshi"
“Join Insoshi”

Link Building

keyword sponsors
keyword sponsorship
keyword sponsor charity
keyword benefactors
keyword donate
keyword donations
keyword donors
keyword "add url" / "add * url"
keyword "add site" / "add * site"
keyword "add website" / "add *website"
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keyword "submit site" / "submit *site"
keyword "submit website" / "submit * website"
keyword "suggest url" / "suggest * url"
keyword "suggest site" / "suggest site"
keyword "suggest website" / "suggest * website"
keyword "recommended links"
keyword "recommended sites"
keyword "recommended resources "
keyword "favorite links"
keyword "favorite sites"
keyword bookmarks
keyword resources
"list * keyword * sites"
"add comment" keyword / "add * comment"
"post comment" keyword / "post * comment"
keyword "leave a comment" / "leave * comment"
keyword "no comments"
keyword "notify me of follow-up comments"
keyword "wiki" (
keyword forum / keyword forums
keyword discussion boards
keyword members
keyword join
keyword "advertiser testimonials"
keyword "related URLs" / "* related URLs"
keyword "related sites" / "* related sites"
"your location" +"add url"
"your location" +"submit site"
"your location" +"suggest a site"
"your location" +directory 

Question and Answers Footprints 1
"All content and data are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license"
"Answer Questions or Ask a Question" +"KW"
"©2012 Answers All right reserved"+"by WP-Answers." +intitle:"KW"
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+"powered by OSQA" +site:*/questions/ +"KW"
"Powered by Question2Answer" +"asked * ago by" +"KW" +"KW"
Data Modelers QA is a community service provided by Datanamic.
"Snow Theme by Q2A Market"
"Theme Designed By: Pixel n Grain"
"To see more, click for the full list of questions or popular tags."
"Recent questions and answers" Question2Answer
"Designed by Axiologic SaaS" Question2Answer
"powered by ASKBOT"
"Search tip: add tags and a query to focus your search"
"Content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 license." askbot
"Hi, there! Please sign in" askbot
"Powered by"
"Answer Questions or Ask a Question"
"Ask a question Provide Feedback"
"Badges Explained" "Asked a question"
"questions tags users badges unanswered" "ask a question"
"You are welcome to start submitting your question anonymously." 

Question and Answers Footprints 2

"powered by OSQA"
"Powered by Question2Answer"
"Powered by Shapado"
"Powered by Shapado 4.1.0"
"Answers Theme by Premium Wordpress Themes"
"Powered by Qwench"
"Question Answer Script"
"Instant Q&A"
"Question & Answers Wordpress Plugin by WP-Answers"
"Question & Answers Wordpress Plugin"
"by WP-Answers"
"Powered by"
"Anova does not evaluate or guarantee the accuracy of any Anova content"
"Powered By AlstraSoft AskMe Pro"
"All images are property of and Exact, Inc"
"Powered by Askbot version 0.7.43"
"Powered by Askbot"
"Answer Question Script | Powered by"
"Answer Question Script"
"Powered by"
"Powered by LampCMS"
"Famous Questions CMS v1.01"
"by FamousWhy"
"Famous Questions CMS v1.01 by FamousWhy"
"Famous Questions CMS"
"powered by cahoots2"
"concentrated technology"
"powered by solace"

iral Socializer Script Footprints
“Add and share your bookmarks with the ease of a click”
“I agree Terms of servises”
“Export & Import favorites”
"Discover the popular tags"

Unclassified NewsBoard Footprints

"Powered by the Unclassified NewsBoard"
intext:"Powered by the Unclassified NewsBoard" inurl:req=register

LifeType Footprints

"Powered by LifeType" inurl:?op=Register -Sorry -disabled -??? -neuer -disabilitato -suspendus -????????
"Powered by LifeType"

KickApps platform Footprints

"You can join by using one of our existing provider accounts: "
“Social Media Platform by KickApps”
“Powered by KickApps”
inurl:user/displayUserRegisterPage.kickActionSocial Web CMS (SWCMS) Footprints
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"powered by SWCMS"

Scraping Ezine Articles Author Footprints
Code: "author name"

Reff Pages Footprints
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"usage statistics" "Summary Period: October 2012"
"Generated by Webalizer" intitle:statistics
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"inurl:twatch/latest" html

Showthread.php Footprints

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Ubb.threads Footprints
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Lofiversion Footprints

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Forumdisplay.php Footprints
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New thread Footprints
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New topic Footprints

inurl:%KW% new topic
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E-Mail Opt-in FootPrints

"Sign up for email subscriptions"
"Enter your email address to subscribe"
"Join Our Email List"
"Subscribe to our free email newsletter"
"Enter email address to subscribe"
"Subscribe for E-mail Updates"
"Please enter your email address below to be added to our email list"

Few more Do-Follow Blogs Footprints

"Please login to be Post Comments!"
"Blog Comments Powered by Disqus"
"Leave a new comment"
"Comment on the Post"
"Related content"
"Enter your comment:"
"Comments on this entry:"
"Sign in to comment on this entry."
"Comments (You may use HTML tags for style)"
"Login or register to post comments"
"Login or register to post or rate comments"
"Leave a Reply" Name "(required)"' 'Mail (will not be published) "(required)"' "Website"
"You must be registered and logged in to leave comments."
"Sign in to Comment On this Entry"

Other Language Do-Follow Blogs Footprints

"Répondre a cet article"
"Scrivi commento"
"Anade un comentario"
"Ajouter un commentaire"
"Dejar un comentario"
"Pridat komentár"
"Écrire un commentaire"
"Dodaj nowa odpowiedz"

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259 komentar:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 259   Newer›   Newest»
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Eliaz Beth said...

Thanks for sharing this with us. I found it informative and interesting. Looking forward for more updates..

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sukses selalu n makin sering update :D
Salam orangbiasaji

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